Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Affiliate marketing...

Affiliate marketing is a marketing practice in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliate's own marketing efforts. Examples include rewards sites, where users are rewarded with cash or gifts, for the completion of an offer, and the referral of others to the site. The industry has four core players: the merchant (also known as 'retailer' or 'brand'), the network (that contains offers for the affiliate to choose from and also takes care of the payments), the publisher (also known as 'the affiliate'), and the customer. The market has grown in complexity to warrant a secondary tier of players, including affiliate management agencies, super-affiliates and specialized third party vendors......



Apa itu Autoresponder?

Autoresponder adalah suatu software untuk mengirimkan email secara otomatis kepada orang-orang yang sign up untuk menerima informasi (newsletter) dari kita. Umumnya autoresponder ini digunakan untuk pengiriman email ke banyak alamat sekaligus secara berkala, baik itu untuk menyampaikan artikel-artikel, informasi produk, atau lainnya. Kebanyakan autoresponder ini digunakan untuk tujuan bisnis, misalnya untuk menginformasikan produk-produk discount kepada subscrip suatu web.




TypeSubsidiary of eBay Inc.
FoundedPalo Alto, California USA (1998)
Founder(s)Ken Howery
Max Levchin
Elon Musk
Luke Nosek
Peter Thiel
HeadquartersSan Jose, California USA
Area servedWorldwide
Key peopleScott Thompson, President
Patrick Dupuis, CFO
RevenueUS$2.23 billion (2009)
OwnereBay Inc.
Alexa rankdecrease 34 (November 2011)[1]
Available inMultilingual
Current statusActive
 PayPal is an American-based global e-commerce business allowing payments and money transfers to be made through the Internet. Online money transfers serve as electronic alternatives to paying with traditional paper methods, such as checks and money orders.....

Originally, a PayPal account could be funded with an electronic debit from a bank account or by a credit card at the payer's choice. But sometime in 2010 or early 2011, PayPal began to require a verified bank account after the account holder exceeded a predetermined spending limit. After that point, PayPal will attempt to take funds for a purchase from funding sources according to a specified funding hierarchy, regardless of what funding source is listed as "primary" in the account-holder's profile. The funding hierarchy is (1) a balance in the PayPal account; (2) a PayPal credit account, PayPal Extras, PayPal SmartConnect, or Bill Me Later (if selected as primary funding source); (3) a verified bank account; (4) other funding sources, such as non-PayPal credit cards

Perkembangan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi.

          * Perkembangan Teknologi Perkomputeran & Internet
             * ICT Dalam Industri Penerbitan Media
              * Penggunaan Laman Web

                * Penerbitan Elektronik

                  * Penjualan Dalam Talian

Perkembangan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi boleh kita lihat dalam kelima-lima kategori di atas. Walau bagaimanapun, terdapat banyak lagi bidang yang turut terkena arus perkembangan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi ini.


Secara fizik, Komputer terdiri dari beberapa komponen yang merupakan suatu sistem. Sistem adalah komponen-komponen yang saling bekerja sama membentuk suatu kesatuan. Apabila salah satu komponen tidak berfungsi, akan mengakibatkan seluruh sistem tidak berfungsi.. Komponen komputer ini termasuk dalam kategori elemen perangkat keras (hardware). Berdasarkan fungsinya, perangkat teras komputer dibagi menjadi :
1. input divice (unit masukan)
2. Process device (unit Pemrosesan)
3. Output device (unit keluaran)
4. Backing Storage ( unit penyimpanan)
5. Periferal ( unit tambahan)

Hadkan pencarian maklumat dalam blog sahaja

Maksudnya disini, katakanlan anda ingin mencari “tips buat duit dalam internet” dan anda mahu hasil carian adalah datangnya dari blog sahaja dan bukannya dari laman web biasa. Google membenarkan kita membuat carian seperti ini. Caranya ialah dengan pada address bar di browser pada mana-mana pelayar web dan tekanEnter. Anda boleh menaip maklumat yang dikehendaki ke dalam ruangan kotak carian dan klik butang search blogs. Selamat mencuba!!
Jaringan komputer adalah sebuah sistem yang terdiri atas komputer dan perangkat jaringan lainnya yang bekerja bersama-sama untuk mencapai suatu tujuan yang sama. Tujuan dari jaringan komputer adalah:

* Membagi sumber daya: contohnya berbagi pemakaian printer, CPU, memori, harddisk
* Komunikasi: contohnya surat elektronik, instant messaging, chatting
* Akses informasi: contohnya web browsing

Agar dapat mencapai tujuan yang sama, setiap bagian dari jaringan komputer meminta dan memberikan layanan (service). Pihak yang meminta layanan disebut klien (client) dan yang memberikan layanan disebut pelayan (server). Arsitektur ini disebut dengan sistem client-server, dan digunakan pada hampir seluruh aplikasi jaringan komputer.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

information processing system
An information processing system is made up of four basic parts, or sub-systems:
§  input
§  storage
§  output
An object may be considered an information processor if it receives information from another object and in some manner changes the information before transmitting it. This broadly defined term can be used to describe every change which occurs in the universe. As an example, a falling rock could be considered an information processor due to the following observable facts:
First, information in the form of gravitational force from the earth serves as input to the system we call a rock. At a particular instant the rock is a specific distance from the surface of the earth traveling at a specific speed. Both the current distance and speed properties are also forms of information which for that instant only may be considered "stored" in the rock.
In the next instant, the distance of the rock from the earth has changed due to its motion under the influence of the Earth's gravity. Any time the properties of an object change a process has occurred meaning that a processor of some kind is at work. In addition, the rock's new position and increased speed is observed by us as it falls. These changing properties of the rock are its "output."
It could be argued that in this example both the rock and the earth are the information processing system being observed since both objects are changing the properties of each other over time. If information is not being processed no change would occur at all.

Interactive Multimedia Technology

"The reactable hardware is based on a translucent, round multi-touch surface. A camera situated beneath the table, continuously analyzes the surface, tracking the player's finger tips and the nature, position and orientation of physical objects that are distributed on its surface. These objects represent the components of a classic modular synthesizer, the players interact by moving these objects, changing their distance, orientation and the relation to each other. These actions directly control the topological structure and parameters of the sound synthesizer. A projector, also from underneath the table, draws dynamic animations on its surface, providing a visual feedback of the state, the activity and the main characteristics of the sounds produced by the audio synthesizer."

Wednesday, 16 November 2011


DATA WAREHOUSE.............

Air Muka Ikut Perasaan.....Hehehe..

 Bila perasaan santai, inilah cahaya yang terpancar di wajah kita..

 Bila bosan inilah gerak yang ditayangkan.....

 Bila anda geram, beginilah riak muka anda??..stress aku..

 Utk hilangkan stress, dgrlah muzik...sorry2..super junior...

 Yes...inilah wajah bila meraikan kejayaan...cayok!! Fighting!!

 Anda mengantuk???...oooooo

 inilah hakikat zaman teknologi..globalisasi...

IT Network Support

  • Ability to focus your resources on core competencies
  • Fast access to new skills and technology
  • Faster and higher-quality service
  • Cost savings and the need for fewer staff
  • Simplification of vendor management

Friday, 11 November 2011